Price Match

Wheel Suppliers Price Match Banner

Wheel Suppliers is committed to providing our customers with the best buying experience; you will never overpay with us!

So you found a set of wheels you love, but you found the same product on another site at a lower cost. No need to worry. We’ll match prices listed from any competitor’s website or other reputable sources. No need to rush either, if you find your product listed for less within 30 of purchase, we’ll refund the difference with no questions asked.

Here are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Price match cannot be combined with other promotional offers
  • Price match does not include applicable sales tax
  • Some exclusions do apply
    • Erroneous price listings
    • Sales or promotional offers
    • Liquidations
    • Items from auctions sites or membership clubs
    • Employee discounts
    • Wheel and tire packages
So you’re ready to get a price match? All it takes is 2 easy steps:
  1. Submit A Request: For new orders, contact us. For an existing order, submit a request using the form below. You will be asked to provide the website link or advertisement listing the lower cost.
  2. Get Your Discount/Refund: For new orders, we’ll adjust the price at the time of sale. For an existing order, the price difference will be refunded to the original method of payment.