
Want to return a product? No problem! Fill out the form below and we’ll start on the return process right away. We’ll send you a Return Authorization form within 24-72 hours. You are responsible for creating and printing a return shipping label. Fill out the RA form and attach the shipping label to the outside of the return packaging and put the RA form into the return packaging. Once the merchandise is received, your refund will be issued within 48 hours.

What can I return?

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will happily accept a return and issue a refund for products in new and unused condition within 24 hours of receipt of the goods. Items must be in new condition and in the original packaging, meaning no assembly, installation or modification has been done. Items clearly marked as “non-returnable” are not eligible for a refund.

For more information about our return policy, please visit the Return Policy page.

Are there any fees?

For orders delivered within the continental US where reason for return isn’t a result of a Wheel Suppliers error, there is a 15% restocking fee.

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